The changeover to LED lighting technology at Roberlo's facilities represents an energy saving of 50% compared with other industrial lighting systems.
Roberlo is bolstering measures to promote energy efficiency, such as the replacement of existing lighting equipment with more efficient lighting that saves around 50% of energy consumption compared with other industrial lighting systems. This data represents a saving of 12,300 kg of CO2 over the course of a year, which would be equivalent to the electricity consumption of 9 homes per year.
The most recent facilities in which the LED lighting system has been implemented are the CIM Goods Center and the Paint Factory at the Riudellots de la Selva headquarters. The company also intends to apply it to any new installation that is brought in. In fact, the latest LED lamps that are being installed already have lower consumption and a longer life than those that were installed previously.
100% of Roberlo's electricity supply comes from renewable energies from third parties, while at the same time bolstering measures to promote energy efficiency, such as replacing existing equipment with more efficient lighting, in order to contribute to a world that has a viable future and to improve people's quality of life.
One of Roberlo's values and commitments is to promote long-term sustainability, which is why the cornerstone of Roberlo's environmental policy is based on the minimum consumption of resources, the principle of pollution prevention, correct waste management and, in general, continuous improvement, while adhering at all times to the company's commitment to legal compliance and the improvement of its environmental behavior.